October 18, 2024
Džordža Vašingtona 12, 11000 Beograd


On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 19 h, in the Gallery of the Art Centre Guarnerius will be held the promotion of the monograph and exhibition of art works of famous artist Ljiljana Drezga.

Izložbu će otvoriti direktorka Gvarneriusa prof. Miljana Kolundžija, a o slikama će govoriti prof. Đorđe Kadijević, Marica Josimčević i Momčilo Moša Todorović.

About Ljiljana Drezga and her art work will speak prof. Djordje Kadijević, Marica Josimčević and Momčilo Moša Todorović.

Ljiljana Drezga
rođena je 15. oktobra 1947. u Beogradu. Nakon završena četiri razreda osnovne škole u Beogradu, odlazi sa roditeljima diplomatama u Latinsku Ameriku. Srednju školu završava jednim delom u Santiagu de Chile, a drugim u Havani, Kuba. Svedočanstvo o završenoj velikoj maturi nostrificira u Beogradu sa svojih nepunih petnaest godina.

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, she completed the art education at the “Academia de Pitman belias de artes”. Then she returns to Belgrade where she started her career. In nineties she moved to Madrid and for the next few years of her residence in Spain she exhibited her paintings at the finest galleries in Madrid. Then she returns to Belgrade to continue her career. She is member of ULUS (Association of Fine Artists of Serbia) since 1976 year.

She is a member of ULUS since 1976.

She currently lives and works in Belgrade.

Her paintings are in many private collections in the world.

Prof. Đorđe Kadijević o Drezgi:

"Ljiljana Drezga's painting preoccupation is the body, the living body, the human body. But Drezga does not look at her acts only from the outside, their physicality alone is not enough for her. She feels some secret in the body, some magical, almost mystical property, which is hidden in its cavities and joints. Longing to see through that secret, Drezga exposes his nudes, penetrates under their skin, passionately and shamelessly, peers into the hidden labyrinths of the body. And behold, an exciting and magnificent landscape of the inner landscape of the human path is revealed before us. A landscape mysterious, dramatic and terrifying in its perfection. With admiration and almost with horror, we feel how the eternal impulses of life and death flow and change in him. From here it seems as if those bodies themselves are convulsing, trembling, shaken by those impulses in painful and voluptuous jerks."

Dr. Draško Redžep about Drezga:

“Drezga, slikar beogradskih, pariskih i drugih planetarnih destinacija, o čijoj su likovnosti oduševljeno pisali Dragoslav Srejović, Stevan Stanić, Đorđe Kadijević, ne od juče je opsednuta eksplozijama i tajnama tela, napose ženskog. U njenom okrilju se pretapaju svakojaka čudesa mraka i svetlaci orgastičkog slavlja. Slikar koji unekoliko nastavlja prizore telesne inteligencije Zore Petrović, ali je njena rafinovana belina zida i epitela nalik na najbolje trenutke C. Lainovića i G. Stupice, tek u ovom okruženju i u basnoslovnom dijalogu nailazi drukčija, bogato imaginativna, neposredna. Nema patosa, nema predstave. ”

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