February 22, 2025
Džordža Vašingtona 12, 11000 Beograd


“Tatjana Pozdnjakov’s expressive painting is a projection of her inner music into her artistic creations – from dark portraits and narrow streets of Priština to visual fortissimo of saturated colors of faraway mountain peaks above pacific beaches.”

Ksenija Janković







Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 18h in Art Centre GUARNERIUS, an exhibition of paintings will be officially opened PAINTED SOUNDS – TATJANA POZDNJAKOV PAINTING

The exhibition will be opened by professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade and the rector of the University of Arts from 2004 to 2009 Čedomir Vasić. At the opening of the exhibition will perform famous and one of the most important contemporary cellist Ksenija Janković, whose recitals are often described as unforgettable, emotional and moving.

The exhibition "Painted sounds - painting by Tatjana Pozdnjakov" will last until December 30, 2016. T A T J A N A P O Z D N J A K O V

(1931, Tetovo – 2010, Belgrade)

From Cedomir Vasić's review:

"The rich artistic development of Tatjana Pozdnjakov speaks of searching for and finding music in one's own being and work, of achieving harmony with one's own nature in a spontaneous and unpretentious way, in accordance with one's inner faith and sense of measure for what one does. With her artistic work, she paid back her creativity and made an undoubted contribution to the richness of our artistic life."

Tatjana Pozdnjakov je rođena 3. maja 1931. godine u Tetovu u porodici ruskih emigranata. Otac, Boris Pozdnjakov bio je inženjer, koji je intenzivno radio na gradnji mostova u Makedoniji, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji, te se porodica često selila a u vreme njenog rođenja živela je u Tetovu. Majka Irina bila je vrlo obrazovana žena, zainteresovana posebno za umetnost, pa je Tatjana dobila u porodici vrlo dobro obrazovanje koje je podrazumevalo poznavanje litarature, istorije, geografije, likovnih umetnosti, muzike itd. Od detinjstva dobro svira klavir, bavi se baletom, a naročito lepo crta. Tatjana je postala profesionalni slikar, a njena sestra Olga (udata Janković) uvažena pijanstkinja i profesor klavira.

Tatjana od 1948. godine živi u Beogradu, u početku zaposlena u baletskom ansamblu pri Centralnom domu JNA. Posle studija neko vreme živi kao slobodan umetnik, a kasnije radi kao profesor likovnih umetnosti u gimnazijama i višim školama u Beogradu.

She died in 2010 in Belgrade.

Tatjana Pozdnjakov graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1958, at the painting department in the class of professor Nedeljko Gvozdenović, with a grade of 10. She completed her postgraduate studies at the same academy in 1960. She became a member of ULUS in 1959

Pre umetničkih studija diplomirala je 1954. godine na geografskom odseku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Beogradu, takođe sa ocenom 10.

Starting in 1959, he participated in many joint exhibitions of ULUS both in Belgrade and in other cities of Yugoslavia (Zagreb, Ljubljana, Titograd, Pristina, etc.). He regularly exhibits at numerous exhibitions in the country, such as: "NOB in the works of Yugoslavian artists" 1961, "Women of Serbia, artists" 1963, "Child in contemporary painting" 1962, "Still life" 1962, "Portrait exhibition" 1964, "Painters of Voždovac" 1964-1979, "Belgrade Artists" 1966 and 1967. "Exhibition of ULUS Members" Kragujevac 1980

In 1961 and 1962, Tatjana Pozdnjakov created several impressive works in Pristina: Stained glass windows at the entrance portal, in the gallery and in the bar, as well as the large mosaic of "Mother Jugović" on the terrace of the "Kosovski Božur" hotel; then 6 large oil paintings-panels that make up the decorative ensemble of the hall and salon of the upper hall of the "Youth" cinema.

Tatjana je priredila i više samostalnih izložbi, među kojima:

1966 in Belgrade in the ULUS gallery on Terazije

1966 in St. Vincent, Italy

1966 in Aosta, Italy

1967 in Pristina

1967 in Belgrade in the Contemporary House

1973 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Pored umetničkog rada Tatjana Pozdnjakov je imala i bogatu pedagošku karijeriu podučavajući umetnosti srednjoškolske đake, od kojih su mnogi i sami postali uspešni umetnici.



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