January 18, 2025
Džordža Vašingtona 12, 11000 Beograd


Belgrade Tango Association and Guarnerius Art Centre are inviting you to enter the magical tango world

We are expecting future tangueros at our new classes in September 2015!

For all information about application, please contact us 063 324 354, info@bta.org.rs.

Belgrade Tango Association, for more then 10 years, through various projects, festivals and school, and with the traditional milongas held in Guarnerius Art Centre since 2003, has been popularising tango culture in our region. On that very year, Guarnerius hosted first Belgrade milonga ever, and since then, our centre had become the gathering point of all the tango lovers from the whole region.

Since the year 2014, our friendship and collaboration with tango, had expanded on the classes in Guarnerius, guided by Dragan Mikić, one of the founders of the Belgrade Tango Association and International Belgrade tango festival, as well as the first Belgrade tango school. that had more then 1000 participants in the past 10 years.

Od 2014. godine, prijateljstvo i saradnja sa tangerosima, prošireni su na školu argentinskog tanga, koju u Guarneriusu vodi Dragan Mikić, jedan od osnivača Beogradske Tango Asocijacije i Beogradskog internacionalnog tango festivala, i pokretač škole tanga u Beogradu, kroz koju je do sada prošlo više od 1000 polaznika.
Nova sezona tango kurseva namenjena je svim ljubiteljima i igračima tanga, bez obzira na plesno iskustvo, kao i onima koji tek ulaze u divan svet argentinskog tanga. Polaznici će biti raspoređeni u dve grupe- početnu i naprednu, a teme kurseva će biti argentinski tango, milonga i tango vals.

Časovi su osmišljeni kao tematske radionice, zbog ozbiljnijeg pristupa i postepenog savlađivanja forme, sa ciljem osvešćivanja pokreta, muzikalnosti i komunikacije u tangu.

Classes will be held on Sundays, starting from 5pm for the elementary group, and from 7.30 pm for the advanced group. Number of class students is limited.

For all information about the classes and application, please contact us by phone no. 063 324 354 or e-mail info@bta.org.rs. info@bta.org.rs.

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