“Un día en la vida” - by painter and poet LJUBINKA SHIBA FIMIC
Exhibition of pastels inspired by a true story and a motion picture “One day in a lifetime”.

Izložbu Ljubinke Šibe Fimić će otvoriti Njegova Ekselencija gospodin Hose Evaristo Ramon Šilotla Ramirez, ambasador Meksika


Autorka o postavci – „JEDAN DAN ŽIVOTA – a to znači život, muziku, pesmu, film, fotografiju, scenografiju, emociju, što je dovoljan razlog da se posvetim ovoj temi na pitanja mnogih. U ovom sadržaju bavila sam se scenskim okvirima, kako bi na moj način bila ubedljivija u dočaravanju likova i emocija koje oni nose.

This film was shown in our region long ago, in the 50s, and it was the first film that I watched as an 8-year-old child, and the story is identified with the story in my family, that is, the death of my father, thus carrying in my subconscious that pictures, after 6 decades I decided to translate my emotions into pictures.

That film gave me an impulse towards art, which has since developed into creativity - painting, which I am proud of. As painting is my asylum where I often escape from reality, I always do it to show the trace of time, environment and emotions I go through. And I hope that with this exhibition I won't hurt valuable memories of the film."

LJUBINKA ŠIBA FIMIĆ je rođena 1944. u Novom Selu, kod Vrnjačke Banje. Prva Ljubinkina izložba je bila 1987. godine, a do danas je bilo više od 50 samostalnih izložbi u Srbiji, Poljskoj, Rusiji, Kubi, Kini, Nemačkoj i na Kipru.

Her first exhibition was in 1987. and till today there had been more then 50 solo exhibitions held in Serbia, Poland, Cuba, China, Germany and in Cyprus.

The "China" painting exhibition, which was presented in the city of Wuhan (Hubei Province, China), was a great success and has been seen by more than 40,000 visitors so far, and remains part of the permanent exhibition of this museum.

The exhibition "Calling from Angola" was promoted precisely in Guarnerius, as part of the celebration of Angola's culture day, and it toured all Portuguese-speaking countries.

The exhibition dedicated to Putin was at the same time a gift to President Putin, who, touched by this gesture, personally thanked the author.

In the media, Šiba Fimić is described as an "unusual author, with a recognizable play of colors," and her style is defined as "impressionism that touches the most enduring form of creativity - realism."

Šiba Fimić also writes poetry, and her collections of poems have been translated into four languages.

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